Berkshire Pork

Sow what's the Squeal all about?
Berkshire pork is a heritage breed of pig, discovered over 300 years ago in Berkshire County, UK. The breed was developed for the King’s personal meat supply, as the meat is considered a superior quality to all other varieties of pork.
Berkshire pork is said to have a more specific taste and flavor, which is why it is considered to be the Kobe beef of pork by many. Rather than tasting generic or bland like some pork can, the Berkshire meat consistently shows superior quality in texture, and overall depth of flavor.
The difference in quality is visible. Berkshire pork has a dark rich color, with an abundance of intramuscular marbling. The meat is extremely juicy and tender, which helps make it such a sought after product throughout the world.
Alex and Becky have working together on selective breeding their hogs for over 11 years. They first started out with a few Yorkshire hogs and quickly learned the difference in meat quality. They then started by breeding the sows they had to berkshire boars. They have continued to grow from within. Currently all of the hogs are 90% to 100% berkshire.
They take the care of their animals seriously and compassionately. They have both been trained in Pork Quality Assurance Plus,while continuously updating there training. This certification program provides pork producers, animal caretakers and drivers the tools they need to do what's best for the people, pigs and the planet.

The New York State Grown & Certified seal indicates that the farm your products come from have been inspected for safe food handling and environmental stewardship. The label lets you know your food was grown right, right here in New York State.